When someone tells you to “take care,” do you really do it?
I often wonder—how many of us don’t go to the doctor until we reach a point that we’re so sick we can barely get out of bed? I realize everyone is not this way, but I, for one, tend to be. I have to make diligent efforts to avoid putting my physical—and emotional--health on the back burner.
That brings me to a similar issue. We’ve come a long way in our society in recognizing that getting professional help for mental and emotional problems is not a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. Seeking counseling is smart and healthy. Why wait until you reach a crisis point?
Whether problems exist in your marriage, family relationships or your own thoughts and behavior, they won’t just go away if left unaddressed. Chances are very good they’ll get worse until they finally reach a crisis point. By then, emotions are out of control, relationships are destroyed and lives are torn apart.
At Samaritan, we not only counsel people who are suffering through difficult times or mental health conditions, but we also provide educational programs. Our holistic and preventive approach to wellness is the hallmark of our services.
For instance, Samaritan has partnered with Twogether Pittsburgh to present a variety of marriage workshops, including Marriage Preparation, Marriage Enrichment, Marriage Mentoring and Sustaining Relationships through Difficulties. There’s something for everyone. It’s exciting, actually, to look deeper into your relationship, identifying both the good stuff and the areas in need of improvement. You can learn how to improve your communication and explore ways to draw closer together. You might even have some good advice to give another couple.
In addition to marriage workshops, Samaritan provides many other helpful programs to meet the needs of individuals, families, pastors, churches and more.
Until next time, stay well and ENJOY your life. And if you’re not, please take your health and wellness issues off the back burner!