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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Food and Mood--Really...?

By Beth Healey
Director of Development and Marketing

Do the foods we eat really affect how we feel? Is it that significant? Can the consumption of healthy versus unhealthy food have a noticeable impact on our day-to-day lives?

If you have read any of my blogs, tweets or Facebook posts, you know I always base the information I publish on good research. I have done my research on food, nutrition and wellness—especially since the Samaritan Counseling Center and Catholic Charities are presenting a Food, Mood and More workshop on February 3rd at Saints John and Paul Roman Catholic Church.

But I am writing today to reveal my own personal experience with food, mood and feeling well.

I used sugary snacks to uplift my mood and reduce stress. Kind of like a reward for my hard work. Or a break from work. My brain always told me how bad this was for me, but my craving for that quick sugar fix always seemed to win out.

Since December 30th, I have been eating much healthier. Because I need to lose weight, I have cut my calorie and “bad” fat intake. I have virtually eliminated sugar from my diet. For me, this is a pretty drastic move.

As a result, I have lost six pounds so far. That’s great—but how do I feel? The answer is great! I used to wake up every morning with aching joints. I had very little energy. I could barely motivate myself to get moving on the weekends. I am thrilled to say that my joint pains have vanished. I get out of bed easily—and earlier than I used to. My energy level has gone up. And it hasn’t even been a month since I changed my ways.

Now, instead of a vicious cycle of eating poorly, feeling poorly, and losing the motivation to turn things around, I am now on a healthy cycle of eating well, feeling well and increasing my motivation to continue in a positive direction. Here’s something to ponder next time you reach for that tempting chocolate chip cookie: You may love sugar, but sugar doesn’t love you.

Do the foods we eat really affect how we feel? Unequivocally Y-E-S. Want to learn more about food and mood? Sign up for our Food, Mood and More workshop. Tasty, healthy snacks will be served!

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